Thursday, 7 May 2009

Some good news!

PETA has scored a huge victory in the fight to stop Canadian seals from being clubbed to death!
or being shot to death for their skins!
Supporters sent more than 100,000 letters and emails to MEP's urging them to vote for a ban in the E.U on seal fur products, 'recognising that these hunts can never be humane'.  MEP's have voted in favour of seals!
This ban speaks directly to the Canadian government to stop the massacre of baby seals being bludgeoned in front of their wailing mothers for a product that no one needs!
We still need to put pressure on Canada.  Write to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and tell him how you want this to barbaric killing to stop.  Contact PETA and get more information and carry on with the letting people know what Canada is allowing.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Earth Day is tommorrow

Earth Day Network was founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race, gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment. Our mission is to broaden and diversify the environmental movement worldwide, and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle for promoting a healthy, sustainable environment. We pursue our mission through a combination of education, public policy, and consumer activism campaigns. Our campaign and programs are predicated on the belief that an educated, energized population will take action to secure a healthy future for itself and its children. Earth Day Network has a global reach with a network of more than 17,000 partners and organizations in 174 countries. More than 1 billion people participate in Earth Day activities, making it the largest secular civic event in the world.

Friday, 27 March 2009


Earth Hour is happening.
Turn off your all your lights/electricity for one hour on:
Saturday March 28th at 8:30pm.
Now we can all become inventive world wide
in candlelight or otherwise and save some energy.
A good time to do some astronomy..Saturn is fairly visible
if your in Austrailia.
If enough of us are doing it in London, check out the satellites.


There is a very important vote taking place on March 31st.
It is to do with a new directive that will govern how animal
research will be conducted across Europe,the U.K included.
It will replace the current rules which are 23 years old.
The proposals are alarming for animal welfare.

If you are so inclined please look at this link to Animal Aid
and include your support immediatly.
Emails have to go off today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


Think of Canada - ah yes - wide open spaces? Lumberjacks? Native people living happily? Think again.

Get onto this please, it's outrageous.

You can do something about this if you want to. Don't let Canada get away with acts like this.

Watch the video - and see for yourself.

Thursday, 19 March 2009


Now I've sung a bit of country in my time so you will be hearing a little bit of it every
so often.

Check out this great tune from Deana Carter.
With this chorus: "Did I shave my legs for this?"... just can't go wrong.


I discovered this at the yoga studio I go to. It's seriously delicious and healthy:

  • put some sunflower seeds in a pan
  • toast on low heat for around 10 to 15 minutes - till they're roasting - they'll be golden brown
  • keep them turning the whole time (they'll burn quickly if you don't
  • add 10-20 drop of Tamari - Japanese wheat free soy sauce.
Eat with anything. They're good...

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


I guess you can see by now that I am an animal lover and supporter.
I wanted to put this entry on early so you can put it in your diary:
It's to mark World day for Laboratory Animals.
Saturday April 25th - meet at Speakers Corner Hyde Park -12 noon.
Anti Vivisection - National March and Rally.
This could be the largest antivisection protest for many years.

Fact: Vivisection is unethical because:
  • primates (for example) are surgically mutilated, psychologically damaged, forcibly restrained, poisoned to death, deliberatly brain damaged.
  • aside from physical suffering, primates experience fear, lonliness,frustration and stress simply from being in captivity. Some are killed after one experiment, others are made to endure procedure after painful procedure sometimes for years.
  • Although there are important similarties between humans and non human primates, there are huge differences. I could go on but I dont want to ruin your day. Check out the link above.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

FOOD Condiment

A simple and good condiment.
It goes with everything and is quick to make.

Onions are a good source of vitamin C
and full of heart-healthy flavonoids.

Onion Relish
1 white onion, quartered,very thinly sliced
1/2 tsp sea salt
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp cayenne
2 tbsp chopped coriander

From Deborah Madison, Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
*Use organic ingrediants whenever possible.

Friday, 13 March 2009

YOGA Pose of the day

This pose is called child's pose, it will bring instant relief to aching shoulders and lower back pain. It is great for relaxation and steadies your breathing rhythm.
  • Sit on your knees and buttocks and bring yourself forward, stretching out your arms in front of you, bring your arms around so that they are behind back and legs.
  • If you are having trouble getting your head to the floor you can put your hands in a fist shape, bring them back in front of you and rest your forehead on your fists.
  • Breath into your lower abdomen slowly and deeply. You will feel your lower back just above your hips extending as you breath in, this helps you to feel that you are breathing from your abdomen. Hold this for a minute to two or until you find relief.

Thursday, 12 March 2009


Some times its just good to watch.

Good for your HEALTH

Journalist, broadcaster and film maker. Worth checking out.
Will there be food riots on the streets of the U.S? It will be on here first if so..

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

HEALTH and well being

Did you read about the demo last night
at the 'Miss University of London' beauty contest?
13 Uni-beauties strutted their stuff on the cat walk amid chaos.
Great stuff.


67% of British people are using social networking sites so says Net imperative.
Social networks and blogs are "now more popular than email".
The biggest increase in visitors globally came from the 35-49 age groups.

Friday, 6 March 2009

YOGA Video

Short and unforgettable.

BEAUTY For the sake of

I don't want to talk about celebrities and their fashion sense
but this really needs to be put on.

Have a look: bad celebrity fashion sense

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

HEALTH - Men and Women

With the recent media frenzy surrounding Jane Goody, below is some information sent to me from my sister who has had cancer. It is from her Orthomolecular Nutritionist. It has been proven that diet can be preventative against cancer.

Food for thought...
  • Reduce carbohydrates drastically or eliminate them these include breads especially white pasta/rice, pastries, chips.
  • Eat 10 to 14 servings (equals 1/2 to 1 cup) of fruits and vegetables combined per day
  • All cruciferous vegetables are supreme cancer fighters, Brussel sprouts are king.
  • Be sure to get fat into your diet - good fats rich in omega 3's: olive oil, salmon and/or small fishes, butter. Avoid vegetable oils which are high in omega 6's-too much can be bad.
  • Eat all dairy organically - very important.
  • Drink three cups of Japanese green tea daily.
  • Eat very small portions of chicken and fish.
  • Eliminate red meat, eat only organic red meat which has been grass fed.
  • Vitamin D -very important cancer preventative - get your D levels checked by blood test = "25 hydroxy D" test, depending on your level,start taking 2000 IUs vitamin D daily, liquid D drops are best.
Supplements are just as important as this: low "glycemic diet".

Sunday, 1 March 2009

FOOD Organic

Dont let the 'crunch' stop you,
this site is helpful.

Saturday, 28 February 2009

BEAUTY - Free Designer shoes

Enter this competition and win a great pair of designer shoes! Ends March 10th.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

HEALTH - Men and Women

Today with the passing of actress Wendy Richards due to Breast Cancer, its a reminder to remember the Charity Cancer Research U.K
Breast Cancer is the most common cancer now in the U.K with over one million women being diagnosed world wide every year.
Each year in the U.K around 300 men are diagnosed with the disease.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

HEALTH - Bananas

Bananas are good for:
  • Energy-contains 3 natural sugars
  • Anemia-lots of iron
  • Blood pressure- high in potassium-low in salt
  • Hangovers- banana milkshake with honey-calms stomach,restores blood sugar levels
  • Brain power-eaten 3 times a day it helps with learning-more alert
  • Shoe shine- use the inside of the skin to polish
  • Heartburn-natural antacid
  • Mosquito bites- use the inside of a banana
  • Nerves- high in B vitamins
  • Smoking-helps with giving up-B6,B12, potassium,magnesium enriched-helps withdrawl
  • Depression- high in tryptophan-protein that converts to serotonin
  • Alot to read but its a miracle food (never put them in the refrigerator).

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

YOGA - Tip of the day

Can you sit like the person in this photograph and practice the 15th Feb blog?
Breathing in and out, just being still, hands on knees, back straight, long neck, eyes closed. Hearing only the sound of your breath, nothing else.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

HEALTH - Shocking

Channel 5's undercover investigation shown February 19th tells us exactly what we are eating when it comes from a "Freedom Food Farm".
Brendan at Northfield Farm Borough Market (opposite Turnips big vegetable stand) sells ethically sourced animals/birds if you are eating them.
Support a great food market under threat too.

0 comments at 15:50 posted by The Witness @ 11:08 0 Comments Links to this post

Friday, 20 February 2009

HEALTH - Men and Women

They say the male equivalent of Cervical Cancer in women is Testicular Cancer. It is the most common Cancer in men and it is on the rise.
This is an excellent site for men's health.


If you dont know this artist its
it's about time you did.

Musician and Genius.
This is what Prince is up to these days.

Thursday, 19 February 2009



Do you cringe when its time to wear those sandals?
How are your nails?

A miracle cure has arrived on the shelves!
Mava-White Optical Nail Whitener for yellow, stained, dull nails.
This works! 100%. Tried and tested!
No messing, one coat, one top, your done!
Pricey but worth it.

HEALTH - Swimming

When you swim you use
every single muscle
in the body.

Seventy-five percent of our planet is water - can you swim?

Anyone who likes to swim should check out this pool in SW1.
Olympic sized pool,clean and great showers.
No excuses. Spring is coming!

Sunday, 15 February 2009

YOGA Intro

One doesn't have to participate in the spiritual dimensions associated with Yoga if you don't want to.
  • It is independent of all gyms.
  • It only uses your own body weight.
  • All you need is a mat and some free space.

The tricky part of Yoga is that there are several aspects to it. It can be confusing.

As this blog grow
s the information you have been seeking in regard to Yoga might just pop up.

I would like to introduce you to the physical benefits
and feeling
in your body as a result of practicing Yoga.

Yoga Tip for now:

Breath through your nose and into your abdomen, exhale through your nose. Listen to your breathe, the sound of your breathe for 2 minutes.
Preferably flat on your back.
Just try it.